Thursday 21 May 2020

Check Out: Reason Behind the Mystery Sound In Bengaluru

May 21: The mystery of the loud noise (Sonic Boom) which made a lot of speculations among people in Bengaluru city on Wednesday has been finally solved. The Pro Bengaluru Ministry Of Defence announced on twitter that "It was a routine Indian Air Force test flight involving supersonic profile which took off from Bengaluru airport and flew in the allotted airspace well outside city limits. The Aircraft was of aircraft Systems and Testing Establishment (ASTE)"

PRO Bengaluru, Ministry of Defence

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Loud boom heard in Benagluru

May 20: A loud noise was heard in Benagaluru on Wednesday around 1.20pm, near Whitefiled. The sound was so loud that it was heard as far as Ramamurthy Nagar, Hosur Road, Old Airport Road, CV Raman Nagar, HSR Layout and many other parts of the city. Bengaluru Police Commissioner Bhaskar Rao said to media that no damage was reported yet in the city and no calls were made to 100.

Bhaskar Rao also said "We have asked the Indian Air Force control room to check if it was any fighter aircraft". There are speculation that the sound could be a sonic boom from Fighter Jet. Some also pointed that HAL could be testing  LCA (Light Combat Aircraft). 

COVID19 cases in India spiked to the highest In a day

May 20: COVID19 cases in India has spiked the highest with 5,611 positive cases & 140 deaths in the last 24 hours. Total number of cases in the country has exceeded 1 lakh and is now at 106,750, including 61,149 active cases & 3,303 deaths, according to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

Over the past few days, India has witnessed a steep spike in the number of positive Covid-19 cases and deaths on a daily basis.

The Centre on Sunday announced to extend the ongoing lockdown till May 31 to check on the spread of Coronavirus. The fourth phase of the lockdown comes with certain relaxations and fresh guidelines.

According to the Johns Hopkins University, the total number of COVID-19 cases has increased to over 4.7 million globally, and the death toll has crossed 315,000.

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Karnataka government would get rid of zone

May 19: Starting today, the Karnataka government would get rid of the red, orange and green zone system. The government would identity containment zones and would be strictly monitoring them.
Medical Education Minister, K Sudhakar said that the district wise classification of zones will no longer exist. Once the lockdown is lifted, there is no relevance for such a classification. He also said that the government would be strictly monitoring the areas that has increasing number of cases. Currently a 100-metre area has been fenced off in containment zones.

The government would redefine the containment zones. No movement of private or public transport will be allowed in containment zones, Sudhakar added

Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa has also said that the government’s main focus would be on the containment zones. Strict measures will be in place in these zones and rigorous punishment would be in force for those indulging in unlawful activities.

India's Total COVID-19 Cases Cross 1 Lakh

May 19: The Total number of coronavirus cases in India reaches 1 lakh yesterday, while the active cases reaches to 57,900. On Monday, 4,700 new cases were reported in the country, which takes it to be the third highest single day cases in India. Maharashtra remains to be the worst hit state in the country with 35,086 cases, 25,400 active cases.

The state reported about 2,000 cases on Monday.
On a positive note, there has been about 39,000 recovered cases from COVID-19 in India. The number of people recovering from COVID-19 has been rising steadily with recovery rate at 38.8%.

The other states which reported highest number of single day cases are: Tamil Nadu (536), Gujarat (366), Delhi (299), Rajasthan (305), Madhya Pradesh (259). Karnataka too registered about 99 cases in a single day which is the highest single day rise of cases in the state.

Monday 18 May 2020

Lockdown 4.0: What is Open What is Not

May 18: The Centre has proposed a new set of guidelines after extending the lockdown till May 31.
The Centre has mentioned that the religious places will continue to remain shut until May 31. The Centre has also said that masks will be mandatory in public.

Here are some of the questionnaires which explains what is allowed and what is not:
1. Is wearing of mask compulsory?
               Yes, masks are compulsory in public and work places

2. Can marriages be held?
               Yes, but only with 50 people

3. What are the rules on funerals?
               Only 20 people can attend funerals

4. Is consumption of liquor, paan, gutka allowed?
               Yes, but not on public places 

5. Can I work from home?
                Yes, it is advised as much as possible

6. Will all shops be open?
                Yes, with strict social distancing

7. Will flights be allowed?
                All domestic, international flights except for medical services are barred.

8. Will metro rail open?

9. Will schools and colleges open?

10. Will hotels and restaurant open?

11. Will cinema halls open?

12. Will gyms open?

13. Can sports complexes open?
                Yes, stadiums can open with no spectators 

14. Will religious places open?
        No, it is not permitted

15. Is inter-state travel allowed?
               Yes, with mutual consent of states only

16. Will the night curfew continue?
                Yes, between 7 pm and 7 am

17. Will I be punished if I violate night curfew?
                Yes, it is punishable 

18. Will liquor shops remain open?
                Yes, it will remain open

19. Can I get home delivery of food?
               Yes, it is allowed

20. I am 65, can I go out?
               It is not advised

21. Is Aarogya Setu app mandatory?
               Government says it is necessary

22. Will malls be open?

23. Will swimming pools be open?

24. Will parks be open?

25. Will auditoriums be open?

26. Can I go to the gym?
                No, gyms will be closed

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Wuhan City Reports COVID-19 Cases

May 13: Though the health authorities said there are no new cases of COVID-19 in the epicentre of the pandemic Wuhan city, the Country has reported 15 new cases including 8 asymptomatic cases.
According to China's National Health Commission (NHC), seven new positive cases were reported on Tuesday of Coronavirus, of which one is imported and the other six cases locally transmitted.
Also, eight new asymptomatic cases were reported taking their total to 750 on Tuesday, the NHC said.

Former FM P. Chidambaram say headline and blank page for Rs 20 Lakh Crore package

May 13: Former Finance Minister, P Chidambaram has said that the Prime Minister’s announcement of a Rs 20 lakh crore package is like a headline and blank page.

Former FM also said, he looks forward to learning the details of the package. The package will be made public by Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman today who will be addressing media at 4pm.

“Yesterday, PM gave us a headline and a blank page. Naturally, my reaction was blank. Today, we look forward to the FM filling the blank page. We will carefully count every additional Rupee that the government will infuse into the economy”, the former Finance Minister also said.

The first thing we will look for, is what the poor, hungry and devastated migrant workers can expect. Migrants have walked hundreds of kilometres to their home states. Hence, We will examine who gets what. We will also examine what the bottom half of the population will get in terms of real money, Chidambaram said.

Tuesday 12 May 2020

PM Modi Addresses Nation

May 12: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses nation for the 5th time. This come after Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a meeting with Chief Ministers of states yesterday.

TN 10th exam time table 2020 released

May 12: Tamil Nadu's 10th exam time table 2020 has been released. The exams would commence on June 1 and conclude on June 12 2020.

TN 10th exam time table 2020:

Language: June 1 2020

English: June 3 2020

Maths: June 5 2020

Optional Language: June 6 2020

Science: June 8 2020

Social Science: June 10 2020

Vocational: June 12 2020

COVID-19 Cases In India Cross 70,000 Mark

May 12: The total number coronavirus cases in the country cross 70,000 mark Today. While the active cases are at 46,000, the recoveries are 22,454 and deaths are at 2,293, according to Health Ministry.

In the last 24 hours, the COVID-19 cases in India reported 3,604 and death of 87 in a day. Health Ministry also said that the active cases in the country are 46,008 and 22,455 are cured/discharged

Former PM Manmohan Singh Discharged From AIIMS

May 12: Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh discharged from AIIMS after spending 2days in the hospital. He was admitted due to chest pain on sunday night (may 10th). Former PM discharged after medical advice by AIIMS doctor.  

US Death Toll Cross 80,000. NYC As Highest Death Toll

May 12: United States Of America, the world's most powerful country and also the world's worst hit country due to COVID-19. US on Monday crossed the 80,000 mark of death due coronavirus, according to a tally by Reuters news agency.

The New York City has highest number of death due to coronavirus. During the period of mid-March and early May, about 24,000+ people have died in the city. Sunday New York City had 14,800 confirmed COVID-19 deaths

Monday 11 May 2020

With 106 New Cases, Rajasthan's Tally Reaches 3,814

May 11: Rajasthan reported with 106 new cases of coronavirus with this total the state has registered 3,814 cases and death toll stand to 108. India, with the total 68,000+ confirmed cases of coronavirus have been reported in the country so far. With 45,100+ active cases of coronavirus in the country and death toll in the country stand in 2,100+. 

Former PM Manmohan Singh Admitted In AIIMS

May 11:  Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh admitted to AIIMS after complaining about chest pain on sunday night (may 10th). The 87 years old Congress leader and Former PM was brought to AIIMS around 8.45pm. Former PM was admitted in Cardio neurosciences (CNS) tower in AIIMS.

The Former PM had undergone a redo cardiac surgery which includes five bypasses in 2009. He also had undergone a bypass surgery in 1990.

The former PM office said. " He is okay. He was taken to the hospital as he had fever due to side-effect of the medication given yesterday. He is under observation".

PM Modi To Hold A Virtual Meeting With CMs Today

May 11: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will hold a virtual meeting with Chief Ministers to discuss on lockdown. PM said that he will hold the 5th meeting  via video conferencing with CMs today by 3pm.

During today's meeting they would discuss various issues relating the lockdown, and also about the migrant issue.

Saturday 9 May 2020

White House reports another positive for COVID-19

May 9: On Friday The White House said that US Vice President Mik Pence's press secretary has tested positive and makes it secound person who works at White House. US President Trump who said he will undergo corona test everyday.

President Donald Trump, who publicly identified the affected Pence aide, said he was "not worried" about the virus spreading in the White House.

Whit House would requires daily temperature check, White House encouraged social distancing among those working in the White House. The Administration has should conduct regular deep cleaning of work spaces. 

Thursday 7 May 2020

Check Out: Air India Flight, Schedule, Fares, Eligibility And Booking Rules

May 7: Air India will operate 64 flights to 12 countries to bring back stranded Indians. Not only stranded Indians, Air India is taking bookings to fly people to Singapore, UK And US from India. Air India will operate its flights from May 8th to May 15th.

Here are the full schedule list from Air India by Clicking Here Link

And here are the Guidelines by MHA: Click Here

COVID-19 Cases Crosses 53,000 In India

May 7: The death toll rise to 1,700 and the total number of confirmed cases increases to 54,000 in the country due to Covid-19 on Thursday. More than 1,505 cases have been tested positive and about 325 patients have been cured or discharged Today.
According to reports, over 30 vaccines in India are in the stages of development to combat Covid-19. Some of these are advancing to the trial stages.
Meanwhile, the government is planning to evacuate stranded Indians from UK and US and over 3 lakh Indians have registered in Gulf countries for being evacuated from May 7th

Karnataka CM Makes Another U Turn

May 7: Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yeddyurappa makes another U turn after canceling special trains to migrants. Today, Karnataka government said it will resume train service for migrant workers to their hometown. This comes after opposition parties slammed the BJP-government.

Letters in regards have sent to state government of Jharkhand, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Mainpur, West Bengal, Odisha And Rajasthan. Train to Bihar will be functional everyday from May 8 to May 15, the decision for other states are awaited.

The decision of canceling trains comes after builders met Karnataka Chief Minister. The builders requested CM that migrants not leave Bengaluru. As the construction work will remain standstill. 

Wednesday 6 May 2020

India Sends Navy Ships To Bring Back Stranded India's From Foreign Countries

May 6: India sends Navy ships to UAE, Saudi, Maldives, and from other countries to bring back Indian's who are stranded due to COVID-19 pandemic. India had sealed its borders and shutdown its airline and railway services to avoid the spread of coronavirus.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced lockdown on March 24 after which lockdown was  extended due to the increase in COVID-19 cases. And now India is divided into three zone (RED, ORGAN, GREEN) While in the Green zone government allows essentials and non-essentials services to be functional. However Red And Organ zone have few constraints for non-essentials.

On Monday Karnataka and New Delhi allowed liquor shops to re-open after 40days of lockdown in all zones 

COVID -19 Cases Close To 50,000 In India

May 6: The death toll rise to 1,694  and the total number of confirmed cases increases to 49,333 in the country due to Covid-19 on Wednesday, registering 126 deaths in a day, the Union Health Ministry said.
More than 2,950 cases have been tested positive and about 1,456 patients have been cured or discharged in the past 24 hours.
Maharashtra and Gujarat continued to remain at the top top to register maximum fresh cases, with the former confirming 15,525 positive cases following 617 deaths.
According to reports, over 30 vaccines in India are in the stages of development to combat Covid-19. Some of these are advancing to the trial stages.
Meanwhile, the government is planning to evacuate stranded Indians from UK and US and over 3 lakh Indians have registered in Gulf countries for being evacuated

Former PM Manmohan Singh Hold A Meeting With Congress CMs

May 6: During a video conferencing on COVID 19 with Congress President Sonia Gandhi, Former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh on Wednesday asked, what would the strategy be to get the country out of lockdown by the Government of India.
''We need to know what will happen after lockdown 3.0,' Former PM Manmohan Singh said during a meeting with Congress CMs. The meeting was held today through video conferencing, which was attended by the Chief Ministers of Punjab, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Puducherry. The meeting was held on basis of the announcement by the Congress to bear the travel costs of the stranded migrants, and on the conversations by Rahul Gandhi’s and Noble laureate Abhijeet Banerjee.
Congress is persistently focusing on the condition of the migrant labourers and the poor, who it says have been badly affected by the unplanned lockdown.

Monday 4 May 2020

liquor Shops Are Re-Open After 40 Days In Bengaluru

May 4: After 40 days liquor shop are reopen in Bengaluru. People have line up at liquor shops State government have permits the sales of liquors between 9am to 7pm. Karnataka Excise Commissioner's ordered only Stand-alone shops and State-run retail shops like MSIL (Mysore Sales International Limited) are allowed to open from today

Saturday 2 May 2020

Tribute to the frontline warriors : viral video

May 2 : A tribute to the warriors who are making sure that we stay safe. The video features all the frontline warriors who are risking their life during COVID-19 crisis. The original track is from the movie Kesari, which featured Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar. The song is recreated as a tribute which was written by Manoj Muntashir and sung by B Praak.


#thankyouwarriors #wesaluteyou

Friday 1 May 2020

Karnataka plans to open malls and liquor shops from May 4

May 1: Karnataka government indicates that its in favour of reopening commercial and industrial sectors across the state except for those in COVID-19 containment zones. The state has allowed some sectors to reopen in non-COVID zones.  And, now are planning to run liquor shops, shopping malls, and a chain of commercial activities following week by regulating containment zones to a few specific areas instead of imposing a complete ban on the ward. 

The government is  awaiting confirmation from the Centre to execute the plan. In a Red zone like Bengaluru Urban restriction will apply only on 24 containment zones across 34 wards, normal business activities whereas Malls and Cinema Halls in Beangaluru had closed 10 days before Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced nationwide lockdown on March 24. And public transport like metro and buses will not operate until May 15.