Wednesday 6 May 2020

Former PM Manmohan Singh Hold A Meeting With Congress CMs

May 6: During a video conferencing on COVID 19 with Congress President Sonia Gandhi, Former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh on Wednesday asked, what would the strategy be to get the country out of lockdown by the Government of India.
''We need to know what will happen after lockdown 3.0,' Former PM Manmohan Singh said during a meeting with Congress CMs. The meeting was held today through video conferencing, which was attended by the Chief Ministers of Punjab, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Puducherry. The meeting was held on basis of the announcement by the Congress to bear the travel costs of the stranded migrants, and on the conversations by Rahul Gandhi’s and Noble laureate Abhijeet Banerjee.
Congress is persistently focusing on the condition of the migrant labourers and the poor, who it says have been badly affected by the unplanned lockdown.

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